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その中に、「Documents representing the beginning and the early development of the Reformation initiated by Martin Luther」(マルティン・ルターによる宗教改革の開始と初期の発展を示すドキュメント)が登録されました。95か条の 提題を含む文書です。
The documents recommended here represent the beginning and the early development of the Reformation that Martin Luther initiated and that spread from Wittenberg far beyond the German empire of his time and well beyond his own epoch. They document how a religious, ecclesiastical impetus exerted its critical power; directing this force toward the revision of traditional positions, and how it gradually developed into larger societal and political phenomenon which made an impact throughout the world. The selected writings make clear what “Reformation” in this case means. “Reformation” stands for the many aspects of this process of transformation which, based upon the question of the relationship of the human being with God, determined and altered all levels and elements of society and human life – religion, politics, society, culture.